Father’s House

Father's House LogoFather's House is where the vision of New  Wine Church is outworked seven days a week. 

The Lord was speaking to us for some time that we needed to have a  building in the centre of Stornoway where we would have the opportunity to have church 24-7, and this was realised in March 2004.  The building we occupy is leased and we are forever thankful for our heavenly Father's miraculous provision every month enabling us to meet our commitments.

Father's House
37 – 39 Point Street,
Isle of Lewis HS1 2XF,
Scotland, UK

Phone 01851 706650

Father's House is run with the help of a dedicated and faithful band of volunteers whose time, energy and enthusiasm is much appreciated.
Alastair and Rachel Lockett who moved to the island several years ago have given much time and talent in serving in the work of Father's House – initially doing five days a week.  Ally still does one day  a week and Rachel helps out when she can as they both now have other work commitments.
Alastair and Rachel
Father's House Logo
It is our belief that the most basic need in every person's  life is to know the love of their heavenly Father, and so it is our desire that Father's House be a place where people can come and experience the unconditional love of the Father in an atmosphere of faith.
 On the ground floor there is a meeting room suitable for small gatherings.


 On the first floor there is a fellowship area where there is teaching by dvd/video at all times – charging the atmosphere with the living word!  There is also a section where the saints can meet together and enjoy informal fellowship and spontaneous ministry. The Upper Room is a place where we welcome visitors – saved and unsaved – and encourage them to enjoy the experience of an environment that is charged with the presence of God – where they are valued and loved unconditionally.

Our heart is to see the reality of Acts 2: 42 – where the church continues steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and prayer.



On this floor there is also a resource centre with faith-building books, magazines, audio and video tapes. 

The Upper Room presents an opportunity to experience 24/7 church!

Passover 1

Preparing to celebrate Passover in the Upper Room – 2004


The Passover Meal

 The top floor houses the church offices where the strategy, planning, and everyday business is transacted.

Our youth also have their own space on the top floor where they can fellowship together.



Comments 1

  1. Thankyou for making us so welcome in Jesus name and we are continuing to thank and praise our mighty God (philippians 1v3)…We thouroughly enjoyed our tour Donny, thankyou again. Just enjoying God listening to “church without walls”.love in His service, Ellis

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